Serviette Anchorage 11L

13,46 € 0,00 €( / )
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Serviette avec bandoulière ajustable, rabat à fermeture par boucle, poche zippée dans le rabat, compartiment principal zippé et plusieurs poches ouvertes sous le rabat.
Unit price
13,46 €
12,65 €
12,38 €
11,84 €
11,04 €
10,77 €
  • Dark Grey
  • Royal Blue
  • Solid Black
  • Navy
  • Red
  • Unique
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Serviette avec bandoulière ajustable, rabat à fermeture par boucle, poche zippée dans le rabat, compartiment principal zippé et plusieurs poches ouvertes sous le rabat.


Merchandising > Väskor & Resor > Ryggsäckar & Portföljer > Dokumentväskor


PF Concept


Dark Grey, Royal Blue, Solid Black, Navy, Red



The general terms and conditions of the product application of the NETENDERS BELGIUM company, which operate under the “ Egotier® ” brand (“ NETENDERS BELGIUM ”), are available via the Internet site at the URL www. (le « Site » ) à all utilisateur d'Internet (le(s) « Client(s) »).

The identification and contact details of NETENDERS BELGIUM include:

Siège : Avenue Hermann-Debroux 54, 1160, Bruxelles, Belgique

Code d'identification fiscal nº: BE0776392255


Téléphone : +32 2 808 42 33 (from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 7pm, you can visit local ferries)


While you are in command of the Site, the Client declares that it is more than 18 years old and is aware of the legal capacity of the products proposed for the Site. At the end of the day, NEEDEN EUROPA is the first choice for the demander, at any time, and is a priority for the Client. Then you need to check your NEEDEN EUROPA for the client after the request and use the utility if you require it according to the requirements of the NEEDEN EUROPA, and you will need to conform to the corrective action of the NEEDEN EUROPA for your client. behind the product demandé.


The product proposals on the site implying the acceptance of the conditions of the General Conditions d'achat. Before the acceptance process, it is necessary to pay close attention to the continuation. If you accept the general conditions of the product, the product is therefore effective and consistent, and the price and charge for the type of obligation and the responsibility for the part NEEDEN EUROPE.

And beyond that, NEEDEN EUROPA is subject to the modification of the content and/or the portée des General Conditions d'achat at all times.


Pour the procedure for the production proposals on the site, the client is prepared for the formalities of the cell procedure. Please follow the procedure for your product, if you are interested in registration on the site via the section "S'enregistrer maintenant", and you can access direct information via the option "Payment express" or Facebook and /ou Google Connect with proper identification.

The Client should note the registration and registration on Facebook and Google according to the general conditions for Facebook and Google, respectively, and NEEDEN EUROPA and the responsibility for any violation of the conditions general. par les Clients.

Since the client process is registered, the user is required to use the software for the electronic address and pass the " Login " section.






Prix ​​et moyens de paiement


The price of the products used for the equipment and euros on the site and the TVA comprehen- sion and the additional tax and the consideration given to it are applicable, depending on the details of the expedition.


And beyond that, EUROPE needs to be more efficient than certain promotions, so it is important to have cumulative promotions.

NEEDEN EUROPA is the reserve of the application, at any time, without any modification due to the appropriée of the products. And depending on the reason, the price applicable is based on the client's order and the price is determined at the moment of acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of the product selection.

NEEDEN EUROPE is responsible for the information and complete information about the products, which is also possible during this time.

The Client is the effectuator of the payment during the "Moyens of the payment":

  • Credit card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express)
  • Virement banking
  • Platforms de payment Sofort, Apple Pay et Amazon Pay

After payment, the Client receives a confirmation email and a copy of the general terms and conditions presented.


Livraison des produits


The command of the product is firm lorsque the Client confirms the cadre of the procedure d'achat.

In order to verify the corrective effect of the NEEDS EUROPE, the procedure for the production instructions for the client indiquée by the client and the information in the section « Information about the livraison » du Site et qui, en aucun cas, ne seront supérieurs à trente (30) jours suivant l'acceptation de la commande par le Client. After all, the products are produced in the same way, during the production process and during the day of the business of the message, the production continues to be effective during the first day of the year.

Le Client pourra vérifier à tout moment l'état de sa commande dans la section « Mes commandes ».


The quality of the products is reliable according to the customer's disposition.

Toutes les commandes d'achat de produits sont soumises à leur disponibilité. And because of the indisputable nature of the product, NEEDEN EUROPA and informera le client et pourra proposer produit de caractéristiques similaires de qualité égale ou supérieure, bien que le Client puisse alternativement annuler le bon de commande et récupérer le montant payé dans délai maximum de trent (30) days.

Toutes les commandes d'achat de produits sont soumises à leur disponibilité. And because of the indisputable nature of the product, NEEDEN EUROPA and informera le client et pourra proposer produit de caractéristiques similaires de qualité égale ou supérieure, bien que le Client puisse alternativement annuler le bon de commande et récupérer le montant payé dans délai maximum de trent (30) days.

Since the moment the product is delivered, the client is absent, the message company is engaged in the process of receiving an individual comment for organizing a new product.




NEEDEN EUROPE is not responsible for the errors caused by the production of the products produced by the client and the customer is corrected by the formular fourni on the site. And because of the incident in the product line, NEEDEN EUROPA informs the client and the aura of connaissance.

The risks of the products are transferred to the Client when they are ready and disposed of, and the return, rest at the charge of the Client when they arrive in NEEDEN EUROPE.



The guarantee of the products sold by the site is in conformity with the dispositions of the legislation and compliance with the consistent manner in which the general manner of the NEEDEN EUROPA is responsible for the specific conformity of the client by the client (2 ) ans à compter de la livraison des produits.

And privately, the product sold by NEEDEN EUROPE is not conformable, the client chooses the repair or the replacement of the product (but the options are impossible or disproportionnée) or the alternative is the same. réduction du prix ou la résiliation de la relation contractuelle conformément à la législation en vigueur.

The Client does not inform the NEEDEN EUROPA due to the failure to comply with the deux (2) before the date of completion and a new connaissance.

Non-constant according to the method used, the products are produced according to the conformity and consistency, according to the guarantee used:

  1. The origins of the production methods used by NEEDEN EUROPA are therefore dependent on the causes of the manufacture of NEEDEN EUROPA and are the basis for their responsibility (force majeure, accident, etc.) or as a matter of course. a smooth configuration and installation of the product for the client; et

  1. The design of the production methods used by the manufacturer of the material used in the manufacture of NEEDEN EUROPA and the results of the modifications made by the repairs effectuated by the person's production of the fabric of the NEEDEN EUROPA and the actual production method , based on your responsibility.

And because of the return of merchandise due to non-conformity, the return sont à la charge of NEEDEN EUROPE.




And after all, the client is disposed of during the holidays (14) according to the date of reception of the product for the purpose of retracting the product without delay.


Toutefois, it is necessary to prepare the client for the purpose of retracting the materials, according to the specifications, (i) the products from which the client specifications are made and (ii) the products from which they are made. Returns for the protection of sanitary hygiene and the conditions for hygiene after the living period should be taken into account when the regulations apply.

Pour exercise of the recovery, the client does it remplir the Formculaire de rétractationet envoyer the product à return with the instructions, the documents and the packaging.

The process of retracting and retracting is necessary during the maximum amount of time (14) during the calendar year to calculate the reception of the product and the formular retractation, NEEDEN EUROPE effectuera le payment correspondant et remboursera au Client le montant total de l'achat et les frais de livraison.


Protection of données à caractère personnel


In addition to the following personnel requirements for the Client according to the procedure of the European Commission, and in relation to the Responsibility of the Catering, information about the conformity of the characteristics of their dispositions:


Buts :

  • Gérer la vente des produits achetés par le bias du Site.
  • Envoi de communications information sur NEEDEN EUROPA, insi que d'offres éventuelles et de nouvelles sur les products.


Légitimation : The legal basis for données is the basis for the execution of the relationship contract. Dans les formulaelles du Site, il sera necessaire que le Client remplisse les champs marqués comme « obligatoires ». The fact that it is not necessary to do so does not require the personnel to be required, but it is impossible to execute the demand for the execution of the communications information. The Client does not communicate with their current personnel and correct information after the information provided during their stay.


Conservation: The maintenance personnel are dependent on the legal period during which the regulations are in place (notamment fiscal et accounting).


Bénéficiaires : Les données peuvent être communiquées aux institutions financières et/ou aux passerelles de payment prevues dans la procédure d'according to the payment of the products et, the cas échéant, aux Administrations publiques conformément à la réglementation en vigueur.

Droits : The Client is subject to the necessary procedures, rectification, suppression, limitation, portability and opposition to the behavior of the clients and their envoy to Your client should not be asked to respond satisfactorily or with additional information regarding the information provided by the addressee of the Done Protection Agency (


Mesures de sécurité : NEEDEN EUROPA a mis en place les sécurité techniques et organizational necessaires pour insuring la sécurité de données personnelles et éviter leur alternation, perte, traitement et/ou accès non autorisé, compte tenu de l'état de la technology, the nature of the données stockées et des risques auxquels elles sont exposées, qu'ils soient à l'action humane ou à l'environnement physique ou naturel.


Plaintes et reclamations


Le Client doit contacter NEEDEN EUROPA, par les indiqués début des conditions generales d'achat, pour expresser ses plaintes et ses réclamations, et NEEDEN EUROPA s'engagement à les cater dans les méilleurs délais et, en all cas, dans le mois according to its presentation.


The Client is a physical demander for every command passée.



If the general clauses of the Conditions are valid, the totality or partiality, zero or inefficacy, or the inefficacy or the affect of the disposition of the cell, the result is zero or inefficace and celle-ci rest and vigueur according to the nature, and the disposition of the part of the cell, which is affected by the nature of the matter. However, the general conditions that affect the validity of the conditions are due to the fact that the disposition is null or ineffective, and therefore the disposition of the cells is annulled, disabled, altered or affected by the nullity ou cette inefficacité.



Les Conditions générales d'achat sont rédigées en français.

Droit applicable et jurisdiction


Les General Conditions d'achat sont régies et interpretées conformément à la législation espagnole.

According to Article 14 of Regulation 524/2013 of the European Parliament and the Conseil of 21 May 2013, regarding the resolution of the conflicts and the matter of consumption , the clients are informed about the information provided on the basis of the resolution plate. the conflicts available on your website :

The même, en cas de conflit over de divergence survenant dans l'interprétation et/ou l'application des General Conditions d'achat, les tribunaux compétents sont ceux prévus par la réglementation applicable en matière de jurisdiction compétente en matière de consommateurs et d' utilizers.

* * *


Pour exercer le droit de rétractation, le Client doit remplir le Formculaire de rétractation en cliquant sur le lien spécial prévus sur le page de suivie de commande et envoyer le product à rétourner avec toutes les instructions, les documents et l'emballage.

Remboursement de la différence

  1. Principle of compensation for the difference between the vingt-quatre (24) rules regarding the content of the Egotier site, the client on the Internet site in French, the principal principal of the Egotier and the product according to the strict identity of the principal élevé, « Egotier® » is engaged à rembourser la différence. It is important to note that the stipulations are not applicable according to the products sold by the merchandise tiers on the Marketplace.

  1. Le competitor doit proposer la livraison dans le Belgique

  1. There is a strict identity of the product: the product of the same brand, the choice of model, the choice of color and the choice of manufacturer (EAN). Les produits comparés doivent, le cas échéant, comporter les mêmes produits associés en même nombre en cas de vente par lot.

  1. The price for the comparison is the price of the product unique (hors free of charge). Le prix s'entend en euros, toutes taxes comprises (TTC).

  1. Sont exclus de l'offre de remboursement de la différence des produits d'occassion et les produits vendus avec une remise (sales, déstockage, promotions…). The exclusive basis for the reimbursement of the products commercialized by the sites d'enchères, the sites d'announcements of the private individuals, the sites used for the club, the sites comparateurs for the prices of the places de marché (marketplace ).


  1. The exclusion of the amount due for the return on account of the differences in the products does not depend on the condition that the minimum orders are accepted.

  1. The date of availability of the competitor's products does not take more than 24 hours to report on the date of availability of the proposal for " Egotier® ".

  1. The request for reimbursement should be addressed by email to and you will receive a maximum of 24 hours of information about the product on the Egotier site. The Client receives a ticket for the ticket (or the invoice) with the justification of the transaction, and is therefore entitled to the support paper for the difference in the price of the product sold by the competitor. Egotier s'autorise le droit de verifier cette preuve sur le site internet du competitor concerné. If your client pays for your banking carte, you will receive a cash refund during your banking carte with a gift. And in case of reimbursement par virement, the Client is transferred to Relevé d'Identité Bancaire.

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